Live Stream

 Just $9.95 fee to help cover cost of streaming - Watch Live All Day!
Note: See instructions below and allow pop-ups for this site before purchasing!
Purchase during or any time before event begins and you can login and watch live!

Sorry, No Live Stream this year!
Tuesday, April 22th 2014, 9:00am to 2:30pm, pacific time.

Like what you see?
Help support the festival by donating today! Your donations, large or small, helps to keep the cost of this great festival lower so that children from all over Oregon can participate! We can't do it without you!
Just click the Donate Now! button
and give with any credit card or
PayPal in a few clicks! Thank you!


When Can I watch? - Pay once and watch all or part of the festival anytime you want during the event. Just keep you login/password to access. You can watch the performance blocks or the whole day!

When will my choristers choir perform? - There 3 blocks of time where the clinician will be working with the choirs, a lunch break and several main performance blocks you wont want to miss:

How Can I let my choir parents know about the live broadcast? - You can download this simple flyer and send it to them in an email! Please do!

Full Size Flyer - Click on image, then "Right-click" image and "Save-As"

Small Size Flyer - Click on image, then "Right-click" image and "Save-As"

Help - How to Connect

Pre-Purchased Event Login

If you already have a account, and have pre-paid for the event, just click the "Paid? Login Here" tab, enter your email and dacast password (you can use the lost password link to get your password) and click login.

Then, if they event is live... click the "Watch Now" button and your stream will begin!

Purchasing an Event

Important: In order to process your payment through paypal or by credit card, you must "allow" popups in your browser from our site We don't allow popup ads on our site. You should do this! Do it now... It will save you pain and suffering later.

- Internet Explorer: Tools/Internet Options/Privacy Tab/PopUp Blocker "Settings"/enter address to allow and click "Add" then "close" and "OK".
- FireFox: Tools/Options/Content Tab/Block pop-up Windows "Exceptions" button/enter address and click "Allow" then "Close" then "OK"

To purchase access just follow these simple instructions.
If you have already purchased and are coming back to watch, or got part way through the process... click on the "Paid? Login Here" tab.

 If you see this little tool bar message show up at the top of the web page right under the tab list...'ll need to "right-click" on the yellow tool bar message and choose "Always Allow Pop-ups From This Site - Note: This will re-fresh the page and you'll need to start all over again. Sorry! Its out of our control. You should be able to login with your account that you setup (watch for that tab on the first dialog box and then you can almost pick up where you left off.

If you had successfully created a dacast login, it will either remember you or say that you have not paid once you log in... if you have not paid, then just click on the "buy Access" tab and follow the instructions there. It will still save time.

After Payment you'll see a dialogue that says something like "Finish" or "Close" or "Continue to Watch" (honestly, I missed that screen cap!) Just do it and then pay attention to this next one:

- If you want to come back later and watch, just click "Save for Later".(Some people purchased days ahead of time then come back, login and watch.)
- If your event is going on then you can just click the "Watch Now" button and begin! 

Need More Help?

Browser Support:
We don't support all browser or device platforms. Currently Internet Explorer, FireFox and Chrome should work fine, but you will need to have Adobe Flash Player installed and up to date. Unfortunately we do not yet support iOS devices like iPhone, iPad or other platforms that don't support flash. Next year we hope to add HTML 5 support for such devices.

Connection Speed:

You do need a DSL or faster connection to watch the streams and high-speed cable or similar speed is highly recommended. We cannot guarantee success on lower speed connections.

Give us a call - We'll try to have someone standing buy to help you.


jhon said...

He seemed like a super great guy and used the fact that he's a big shot architect to hit on me. go to this site

Community PLUS said...

Thank you for sharing good knowledge and information FOR Oregon Classifieds . It's very helpful and understanding. as we have been looking for this information for a long time.

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